How to choose the dairy display case for your store

There are several advantages of having the right display cases. For starters, they allow the retailers to advertise without extra efforts or additional budget. A well-kept case with aesthetically appealing items creates a sophisticated atmosphere. No need to spend thousands of dollars on interiors. Last but not least, a case protects your edibles from getting spoiled–especially dairy items.

Not every display case is right for your retail store. When you plan to buy a dairy display case, keep certain factors in mind. We have discussed those essential factors below.

The type of products you will store

For frozen items, go with the cabinet that can be set at a negative temperature. And dairy products, fruits, veggies, beverages, and cakes can be stored in a cabinet with a positive temperature. Some makers specifically design the structure that suits a particular type of product. For example, you will find dairy display cases that keep your dairy items safe and fresh.

Closed or open case

Many retail stores opt for open cases, as it allows the customers to select the items easily. The closed cabinets can be irritating sometimes. That said, open display cases consume more energy. If you are choosing an open model, go for the one with an air curtain. It is also beneficial to buy a refrigerated case night cover to reduce energy consumption.

Type of cold it produces

There are two types of cold that a cabinet produces. The static cold is the first type, which keeps the food from drying out. Such type of cold blocks temperature’s homogeneous distributions throughout the case. The pastry shops and medium-sized butchers mainly use it. Conversely, the cases with the ventilated cold dry out the products stored in it. But, you can expect a better cold distribution. You will hardly notice fogging on the window of these cabinets.

The maker of the cabinet case

Is the manufacturer of the cabinet case in this business for years? Is the company offering any warranty? How good is their customer support? Purchase your cabinet case only after getting an answer to all these questions. This way, you can be sure that you have chosen the best dairy display case.

We hope you will find the best dairy display case by keeping all these factors in mind. If you are searching for night covers for your dairy display case, trust Econofrost. 


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